The ancient city of Aizanoi, the Temple of Zeus, the Stadium-Theater Complex, and the Macellum are among the most important cities of the Roman period, located within the borders of Çavdarhisar District of Kütahya Province. The Temple of Zeus, built on a hill and considered to be the important religious structure of the city, is one of the world's best preserved Zeus Temples. The pseudodipteros Temple of Zeus is the only example in the plan, because it is covered with marble beams. In the northern part of the city, the stadium with a capacity of 13,500 people and the theater with a capacity of 20,000 people can be seen as a complex and is not seen anywhere else than Aizanoi. A.D. Aizanoi Macellum, dated to the 2nd half of the 2nd century, is one of the world's first stock exchanges. Emperor Diocletian's M.S. There are inscriptions of the goods sold in the imperial markets, which were determined to fight against inflation in 301, and which have been preserved in good condition until today.

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